Letter from the Chairman of the Advisory Board

Dear Business Partners, Dear Staff,
Dear Friends of the STIHL Group,
2022 was another year that put us all to the test. Just as the worst period of the pandemic appeared to be behind us, the seemingly impossible happened: war in Ukraine, meaning war in Europe. This terrible event reminds us all that peace and democracy are fragile constructs that we need to defend every day.
In times like this, we are glad that the STIHL Group has roots stretching back almost 100 years that make us a strong and stable family-owned business. Despite an unending stream of new challenges, STIHL has proven time and again that we can master these situations and emerge stronger from them as well. We owe this ability first and foremost to incredibly dedicated STIHL employees all over the world. Together, we made the past fiscal year a successful one by focusing squarely on team spirit within the STIHL Group and showing tireless commitment.
Thanks to our international, decentralized manufacturing network, the very high level of vertical integration that goes with it in both gasoline-powered and battery-powered products, and a large sales network spanning almost the entire world, we are well equipped to handle the tasks ahead of us and are working as one to further strengthen STIHL’s foundations. In times where so much is uncertain and unpredictable, these foundations give us stability and the opportunity to advance through innovation, even under difficult conditions.
On behalf of the Advisory Board, I would like to thank all of our employees for their work and outstanding dedication in 2022. I would also like to thank all our partners, the Supervisory Board, the Executive Board, and the employee representatives for their positive and constructive cooperation.

Dr. Nikolas Stihl
Chairman of the Advisory Board